Jack pine, black spruce, aspen, birch, other sprout hardwoods, and fir dominate such areas. Komarek fire ecology database is the intellectual property of the tall timbers research station and land conservancy. Fire and forest recovery on seismic lines in sandy upland. Hawksworth, principal plant pathologist rocky mountain forest and range experiment station 1 august 1975 lcentral headquarters is maintained at fort coffins, in cooperation with colorado. Jack pine fire seismic line forest gap boreal forest regeneration abstract networks of narrow linear. Fitzgerald2 abstract the ponderosa pine ecosystems of the west have change dramatically since euroamerican settlement 140 years ago due to past land uses and the curtailment of natural fire. Adaptations that lead to reproduction after fire include serotinous cones on species such as jack pine and lodgepole pine. The natural disturbance regime of dry northern forest is characterized by infrequent catastrophic fire, with estimated return intervals ranging from 10 to 80 years in jack pine forests and 120 to 300 years in red pine forests. Fire also produces favourable conditions for the seeds of these pines to germinate.
The temperatures of 18 fires in an open jack pine barren near timmins, ontario, have been recorded. Establishment jack pine is regenerated by planting, direct seeding, scattering conebearing slash on mechanically. The cones of the jack pine, for example, need exposure to intense heat to release seed. The needles of a pine tree also have a high moisture concentration, the trunk covered in thick bark, and are selfpruning, causing them to be more tolerant to surface fire. Because white pine was favored by loggers it no longer dominates dry mesic sites. Since much of our jack pine resource has matured and may experience catastrophic fire and budworm outbreaks over the next decade or two, its important to take proactive management measures. The seeds of the pine tree are encased in a hardy cone, like a womb, and sealed with a waxy substance that melts in the presence of fire, releasing the seed to germinate. As fire cycles increase above 300 years, northern hardwoods become abundant figure 1. Young jack pine cannot be created at a scale on managed crown land, as can be observed in a modeled natural disturbance scenario. In 1984, 73% of the males censused were found in habitat naturally regenerated from wildfire or prescribed burning. Pdf postwebinar workshop and field trip september 14th interview about the site and fire postevent radio show the 2018 altona flat rock wildfire burned over 500 acres of jack pine barren in northern new york. Therefore, the inability of the plan to achieve this one objective was not considered significant.
The role of fire in lodgepole pine ecosystems was recognized by. With fire prevention, jack pine forests have decreased by nearly 25,000 acres across the lake states johnson 1994, although fire suppression in pine barrens has resulted in their conversion to dry northern forest. Ecological restoration and management of longleaf pine forests is a timely synthesis of the current understanding of the natural dynamics and processes in longleaf pine ecosystems. Jack pine pinus banksiana is an eastern north american pine. While it is true that fire has a great potential for the destruction of homes, wildlife, and even human life, fire is just one of many natural forces within ecosystems. Because jack pine and lodgepole pine forests form a more or less continuous band.
Establishment jack pine is regenerated by planting, direct seeding, scattering conebearing slash on. Big heavy, black jack, bull pine, ponderosa white pine, sierra brown bark pine, silver pine, western pitch pine, western red pine, western yellow pine, yellow pine, yosemite pine. With medium thick bark, mature individuals have only a moderate tolerance of fire, but populations survive because of delayed seed release from serotinous cones, early reproductive maturity, fast growth rates in full sun, and preference for mineral soil seedbeds 54,66. Nutrients are released in the soil, mineral soil is exposed, competing species are eliminated and the amount of sunlight on the forest floor is increased. Increased bulk density of pine needles in red pine and jack pine during the spring dip increase their flammability. The potential of spring dip timing in red pine and jack. The role of fire in the ecology and silviculture of jack pine. Historically, white pine grew with red pine, white oak, beech, maple, and hemlock. But even though its not very pretty, jack pine s got some really cool ecology associated with it. Fire ecology perhaps the image most often associated with wildland fire is one of destruction. Some trees, it has been found, cannot grow without the aid of fire.
Ponderosa pine is a rapid growing tree with the ability to firmly anchor into most soil types. Teams of students create posters to illustrate the role of. Of all boreal forest conifers, jack pine is best adapted to fire. Restoring fire the ecosystems of the boundary waters canoe. Red pine growing on these sites are very prone to pest problems. Indeed, without the periodic occurrence of fire the species would disappear from the boreal forest. The landscape ecology of fire by donald mckenzie, the ecology of fire by r. Fire ecology of ponderosa pine and the rebuilding of fire resilient ponderosa pine ecosystems 1 stephen a. The role of fire in the ecology and silviculture of jack pine j.
Fires during the spring dip may exhibit increased lateral spread along the head of the fire, which could require additional consideration during fire suppression. Jack pine invades areas where mineral soil has been exposed by major disturbance such as fire. Investigating fire ecology in ponderosa pine forests. Jack pine snags fire woodpeckers subcortical insects abstract standing dead trees, or snags, represent postdisturbance biological legacies in forest ecosystems, and intentional creation of new snags is increasingly common during forest treatments. Currently, however, most birds breed in evenaged, young jack pine plantations, rather than stands regenerated by fire donner et al. Natural rotation periods for catastrophic fire and forest species composition within the range of. Jersey, or the closed jack pine stands of the northcentral states are typical candidates. Time wednesday, february 10th fire ecology session palmer room presenter wednesday, february 10th general session 1 jackson room presenter wednesday, february 10th general session 2. Here we examine natural tree recovery across a gradient in fire severity defined as percent overstory tree mortality with different seismic line characteristics forest gap width and orientation, as compared to adjacent forest stands, in jack pine forests 5years post fire. Masters, director of research tall timbers research station shortleaf pine pinus echinata occurs across a wider variety of climates, soils, topography, moisture regimes and fire regimes and thus community types, than any other. The tree jack pine is a true pine pinus banksiana that is shortlived approximately 80 to 100 years. Some effects of prescribed burning on jack pine reproduction in northeastern minnesota st. One of the most fascinating forest trees and forest. The kirtlands warbler occupies dense jack pine pinus banksiana barrens from 5 to 23 years old and from 1.
Fire behavior fire behavior is most often described by intensity and spread. Jack pine regeneration at the international crown fire modelling experiment. Pine barrens restoration experiment initiated in chequemagon. Fire ecology and management of shortleaf pine ronald e. Ca yford program coordinator, silviculture canadian forestry service department of fisheries and forestry of the nine native canadian pines, jack pine pinus banksiana lamb.
Ecological restoration and management of longleaf pine. Fire ecology of ponderosa pine and the rebuilding of fire. Historically, natural stands with a significant red pine component were disturbed by. The population of male kirtlands warbler dendroica kirtlandii in the breeding season has averaged 206 from 1971 to 1987. Jack pine forests face struggle to regenerate after extreme fires megafires are large and extreme fires responsible for most of the forest area disturbed by fire in the boreal forest, with only 3% of these large fires accounting for 97% of the total area burned in canada each year. As a result of fire exclusion, many stands of dry northern forest are sucdry northern forest photo by joshua g.
Under a natural disturbance modeling scenario, all jack pine areas are susceptible to frequent fire disturbance. It is common near the ocean shore and in dry montane forests to the subalpine, but is rare in lowland rain forests. This book beautifully illustrates how incorporation of basic ecosystem knowledge and an understanding of socioeconomic realities shed new light on established paradigms and their application for restoration and. Description of the fuel models grass group fire behavior fuel model 1 fire spread is governed by the. A burned jack pine stands amid the effects of a wild. These mixed stands include white pine red pine forests in the high plains and rolling hills of the northern lower peninsula and white pine white oak forests on the. Minnesota chapter of the wildlife society annual meeting. The ecological role of fire in jack pine forests frames. Fire dependent ecosystems and wildlife by greg corace, shelby weiss and lindsey shartell.
Nielsen forest ecology and management 421 2018 3239 33. Like all pines member species of the genus pinus, it is an evergreen conifer. Jack pine forests face struggle to regenerate after. Scientists called jack pine forests fire dependent. Wildfires are an integral component of their ecology. List of books and articles about forest fires online. Here, we present preliminary results on jack pine regeneration following the fire. Jack pine transcript shot 2829 june 2018, length 6. Its native range in canada is east of the rocky mountains from the mackenzie river in the northwest territories to cape breton island in nova scotia, and the northcentral and northeast of the united states from minnesota to maine, with the southernmost part of the range just into northwest indiana and northwest pennsylvania. Pinus contorta, with the common names lodgepole pine and shore pine, and also known as twisted pine, and contorta pine, is a common tree in western north america.
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